
What we call the personality is often a jumble of genuine traits and adopted coping styles that do not reflect our true self at all but the loss of it.
Gabor Maté
  • Conversationnal hypnosis (IMHEB) – 2021       
  • Psychotraumatism training ; intervision – supervision – theory (Centre Chapelle-aux-Champs) – 2020 to 2021
  • Theoretical training  “Life Story” (CPS-UCL) – 2020
  • “Inter-ex-change” training on the inclusion of young migrants (Transe-en-Danse) – 2019
  • Training “Optimizing interactions with families in an intercultural context” (CPS-UCL) – 2019
  • Master in Psychological Sciences (UCL) – Thesis : “Emergence in personal and social life among Unaccompanied Foreign Minors. What support do they mobilize? “- 2014 to 2016

My professional experience

    • Psychologist for asylum seekers – 2020 until today
    • Managing projects, animator, trainer in Jordan – 2016 to 2018 :
      – Activities for children, needs analysis, projects managing (launching and follow up) for syrian and palestinians refugees in three NGOs (Innovation Aid – One Love – Greening the Camp)
      – Sensibilisation, animation of groups debates and events organisation at Shams Community (social entreprise)
    • Psychologist for children with autism and creation of a psychological office in a shool in RDC (internship) – 2015
    • Support educators working with Unaccompanied Minors in the Fedasil centre of Rixensart  – 2016
    • Organisation and taking part of interculturel meetings and weekends with the migrants living in the Jungle of Calais (France) with CJD – 2015 to 2016