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Maïté Eliat-Eliat

If the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike.

– Aberjhani

Make an appointment with a psychologist isn’t an easy thing at all.
We feel vulnerable, maybe weak, or afraid of being judged, we aren’t sure if it’s going to be useful… but you should know that every good psychologist is also being a patient for some other psychologist !

A session with a psychologist is mostly an encounter between two individuals, both having weaknesses and strengths.
What makes it special is that this bound is “out of your daily life”, goodwilling, non judging. It is you who can decide to meet with me, about what you want to work and when you want to end it.

I am particularly sensitive to cultural diversity and I can accompany you in FrenchEnglish, and Arabic (Levantine dialect).

In those pages, I tell you more about myself and about my background.

You can also find more about what matters to me in my work as well as more practical and concrete informations.


[ Translation in Arabic in progress ]

[لسا عم بشتغل على ترجمةعربي هاد الموقع وبجهّز فيها]